dry stone
school 2024
29 March - 7 April 2024
The first dry stone school of Tilos was a collective fest, a gathering of education and entertainment.
It took place in Tilos, from, Friday March 29 to Sunday, April 7 and there was no participation fee for all the locals who joined!
The school's events were co-planned and co-implemented by around 25 people from the local community who joined the weekly meetings of the project, since november 2024.

a school by and for everyone
The 1st dry stone school of Petra Tilos aimed to raise awareness among Tilos community about the art of dry stone and the environmental impact of dry stone constructions.
The school lasted 11 days and was co-designed and co-implemented with the participation of the local community. Since January 2024, more than 25 members of the local community have participated in the weekly open meetings, forming 5 groups that designed and proposed 5 parallel activities or events that took place during the school.
The building "lessons" and the restoration of the dry stone wall took place on the Potamos - Mikro Chorio path that starts from the main road of Livadi - Megalo Chorio, at the location of Potamos in the direction of Mikro Chorio.
Within 2 weekends, over 60 people from the local community managed to restore over 100+ meters of dry stone wall and to clean the wider area from wild bushes and stones.
the events
The school program included: documentary screening events, talks on: sustainable environmental development (Nikos Tatsis) and on the archaeological finds in the Stone Buildings of Megalo Chorio (Eryfilli Kaninia), a presentation by the "Mitato Amorgos" team who work - on the same thematic - on the island of Amorgos, and an interactive presentation of amateur gardening by members of the local community (Simon Windeler, Michi Athen).
During the dry stone school, the team held a hike to Mikro Chorio while there were games prepared and available for children (custom designed on the theme of "stone"). Most of the events were designed by members of the local community with the coordination of Petra Tilos core team and with the support of the Municipality of Tilos.
More than 100 people participated in all the activities that took place during the school.

dry stone school
Friday 29 March 2024
Event "Ecology and Drystone structures" Documentary screening and community discussion. Coordination: Anestis Vasilakeris (Petra Tilos), Michi Athen and Simon Windeler (amateur gardeners)
18:30 Multipurpose Hall, Primary School Livadia
Saturday 30 March 2024
1st day of school
10:30 - 11:30 Small (easy) hike to Mikro Chorio
11:30- 11:45 Lesson on how to lift a heavy rock
11:45 - 13:30 Dry stone lesson
13:30 Picnic and games for young and older kids
Sunday 31 March 2024
2nd day of school
10:30 - 14:00 Dry stone lesson
Wednesday 3 April 2024
Documentary screening (open air) "Building with stone" and "Stones and Water" 18:30 Livadia main square
Friday 5 April 2024
"The role of srystone building in Megalo Chorio" Erifli Kaninia, archaeologist, Antiquities office of Dodecanese & Presenting the group "Mitato of Amorgos"
17:00 Multipurpose Hall, Primary School Livadia
Saturday 6 April 2024
3rd day of school
10:30 - 14:00 Dry stone lesson
Sunday 7 April 2024
4th day of school
10:30 - 13:00 Dry stone lesson & environmental talk from Nikos Tatsis "Environmental Impact of dry stone building"
13:00 Picnic and games for young and older kids
* There will be a bus to the school's location (Potamos, main road) for Saturday/Sunday 30, 31 of March and 06, 07 April from Livadia (square) to the School at 10.00 am and from the school to Livadia at 14.00 pm